Take Action for Human Rights

California Governor imposes moratorium on executions! Thank Governor Newsom and call for further steps toward full abolition


On March 13 Governor Gavin Newsom of California issued an executive order that repealed the state’s lethal injection protocol, dismantled the death chamber in San Quentin prison, and most significantly, placed a moratorium on executions while he remains governor. California’s death row is home to 737 people, the largest death row in the Western Hemisphere.

In 2017 the US fell off of the list of countries carrying out the most executions in the world, and since then Washington State abolished its death penalty, making 20 states in the US abolitionist. There is an overrepresentation of racial minorities, poor people, and those with mental or intellectual disabilities on death row. Five people have been exonerated from death row for their innocence in California, and 165 in the US in the modern era of the death penalty. We know that the death penalty is flawed beyond repair. It’s time to rid ourselves of this cruel, inhuman, and degrading punishment in California and around the globe.

Join Amnesty International in thanking Governor Newsom for taking an important step in the direction of abolition, and call on him to secure commutation for those on death row and advance abolition of the death penalty in California.

Take action now: Thank Governor Gavin Newsom for halting executions in California.

Governor of California
Governor of California